Welcome to my journey!  I am hoping I'm not alone in finding myself still trying to figure out my life path.  I've been married since I was 18, have raised four children, two girls, two boys.  I have a failure to launch son (34 years old) who has decided to move out with his girlfriend of 6 months.  I'm okay with that (even though he has chosen not to bring her around to family functions), but then after 10 days of living together he has come back home for 3 weeks so her family can stay in the apartment.  I'm confused! 

I have four grandchildren, two girls, two boys and 3 stepgrandsons.  I adore them all and can't spend enough time with them but life is busy.  I also have two dogs, my Boxer girl Shelby and a Pug, Titan, who belongs to my son but his girlfriend doesn't like boy dogs so since Titan has lived in my house for 5 years what's another 10 years or so?!?

I've been a substitute teacher for the last 4 years.  I previously worked at our Community College as a History Professor, Administrative Assistant and Special Needs Tutor.  Why did I leave the job(s) that I loved dearly? Money.  I took my 401K to pay off debt. Silly girl.  The debt returned with a vengeance and now I have no pension/savings. Hard lesson for sure. Yes, I'm looking for something a bit more stable, perhaps with a 401?

My typical day looks something like this (it's summer, so it's a bit boring): Rise and shine at 7ish, I like to burn the candle at both ends and often don't put the ipad away until 12:30 a.m. or so, but the dogs demand that they be fed, go figure.  I eat my usual breakfast of Cheerios, Almond milk and blueberries while I'm feeding the pups, then it's time for their walk.  I have to walk them separately so they don't attack each other so two walks for me!  After walk time I usually shower and ponder my day.  Somedays I ponder my day all day.  Other days I'm quite productive cleaning, weeding and so on. There is never a day in which something doesn't need to be done.

I love writing and believe there are likeminded people out there to share my thoughts, worries, struggles and triumphs with.  Facebook is a nice venue for getting things out but it also can be so threatening.  I'm here to share, whether it be recipes, stories about my children, dogs, life, husbands, jobs, careers and so on.  So join me on my journey...it's a crazy ride for sure!!
